29 July, 2011

Almost there

Handling 2 blogs is actually a lot more complicated than I expected!
How am I going to do with bb Lenting blog coming up?

So yes, morning sickness is long time gone and we are now only 1 week away from the 'due date'! All went well. I would even say better than for the first pregnancy. The biggest improvement from the first time is NO water retention, or very very little. I guess to be in a climate where the hottest temperature does not go over 25C must help. I was so looking forward Maternity Leave in July. Dreams of lunches at the parks, walks with Liv under the sun at the Zoo, swimming, beach...and guess what? Summer in Holland is 17C with rain all day. Fab! At least, I do not feel guilty sitting in front of the computer.

The last few months with Liv has been even greater than usual. She has grown so much and her personality is coming out more and more everyday. It is a great adventure to discover her character. She is of course stubborn, like her parents, but she is definitely listening more to what we are saying and trying her best to follow. She is also very caring. She always has been very cuddly, however, since she knows a baby is coming, she is taking care of her 'babies' a lot, coming to me and giving rubs to my belly and simply talking to her sister. She knows where her feet, hands & head are and she is laughing her head off when her sister has the hiccups.

Liv is now saying her sister is coming tomorrow! Should I believe? She knew before I did that I was pregnant. She said it was a sister from the beginning and would have none of it when we brought up the idea it could be a boy...my bag is ready, I am ready, is bb ready then?