16 December, 2010

First hospital visit

Onno & I brought Liv to the creche this morning. She is being quite difficult at the moment and always makes a scene when I leave. Then direction the hospital to meet the midwife.
I must say it was a lot better than my first visit with Liv in Indonesia. Cleaner, more organized, nurses actually responding to your questions.
I feel a lot more reassured this time. I guess it also helps to have been thru it all before, doesn't it?
First ultra sound has showed us a tiny little prawn of 0.6cm with already a visible heartbeat! So cool. My husband was so excited we could not stop himself to tell his family...unbelievable...so much for waiting until 12 weeks.
I must say it is really hard not to tell. So far I only told my sister and I know she is struggling to keep her tongue until we come for Christmas. We decided to tell the parents as I have no plausible excuse for not drinking wine or Champagne.

09 December, 2010

Feeling pregnant or not?

Isn't weird how some days I feel like any other day and start to wonder if I have not imagined that little pink line on the pregnancy test and then how on days like today I feel very pregnant even thought it is only 5 weeks? I fell like more like 5 months pregnant.